No More Jumping!

Dog Jumping Up At the Door/On Guests or Strangers
For many dogs, making arrivals and departures completely non-eventful will help lower the dog’s arousal level resulting in much less jumping.
By lowering the level of excitement, you may have fixed your issue, however, another variable is how long this dog been performing the behaviour. The longer your dog has been overstimulated, the harder it may be to just ignore.
Two ways I may approach this, depending on the dog is to:
The first way: Teach an incompatible behaviour, such as sit, down or place.
- First, your dog must understand the command on its own. Once the dog can perform the command for a verbal cue, then we can teach the arrival through the front door to be the new cue for the command (sit, down or place).
- Multiple attempts (40-60 reps) and scenario set ups will be required to proof the behaviour and ensure it is reliable.
The second way: To apply a consequence when the behaviour is occurring, if the dog is incessant or the handler is at risk
- When applying a consequence, clarity is essential. Use a command, such as “OFF” or “NO” to cue the dog that this is an unacceptable or undesirable behaviour. Follow through using a consequence, such as leash correction or water/noise interruption and necessary posturing. The behaviour change should be immediate, if not significantly better within the day or week.
- If you have decided to apply a consequence, consistency is only fair by ensuring that the behaviour is corrected consistently for a short period of time. We only recommend this method under the guise of a professional dog trainer.