Differences between Private class, Group class, Field trips/In-home and Board & Train
Looking to hire a trainer, but don’t know where to start?
At MMDT, we offer a wide variety of training to align with your goals and lifestyle.
To start, we always suggest private sessions either at our studio in Roncesvalles or in your home.
Private studio sessions are our #1 most suggested program as it allows us to assess your dog in a more neutral, less stimulating environment in comparison to a public park or other public space.
Furthermore, in-home training can be very effective but also difficult depending on the behavioural issue(s) and/or training goals. For example, dogs with territorial behaviour(s) can be find it extremely difficult to work productively with a stranger in the home for the first time.
Instead, we train our clients to effectively solve these behaviours at the studio and incorporate the training in their home and places they frequent often.
We HIGHLY encourage in-home training or field-trips once the dog has learned effectively over a period of private studio sessions. This helps to continue proofing behaviours and over-learning commands in the real-world and environments where we need reliability the most.
Board & Trains have become increasingly more popular but we seldomly offer or encourage this option. We limit board and trains as the dog will learn a wide variety of commands and behaviours, but there is often a large disconnect between the dog and owner as they have learned at different rates. The maintenance on the owner’s part can be near impossible as they will need private sessions to understand how to properly handle the dog and follow-through.
We do offer Board & Trains for clients that are going on vacations and need some fine-tuning, or clients that do not have the time to dedicate to training and/or other specialized training.