Core Obedience
Available in 6 or 8 session packages
This program is only eligible for dogs over the age of 6 months WITH NO/LIMITED reactivity & NO MAJOR BEHAVIOUR ISSUES. Valid rabies vaccination required.
A reliable and obedient dog results in endless possibilities for taking your dog on new adventures or simply making day-to-day interaction much more manageable.
Whether your dog pulls you off your feet at the sight of a squirrel, or can’t sit outside of the home, the Core Obedience program allows for both you and your dog to adapt to changing environments that range from mild to extreme distractions. Many of our previous clients dreamed of taking their dog camping or having lunch with their canine companion on a busy patio.
In our Core Obedience course you will become a Handler, rather than a dog owner. You will learn to read, react and succeed with life’s distractions alongside your canine companion by understanding your dog’s body language and grow you and your dog’s confidence to take on any environment, stimuli and distraction.
Join the pack and become proficient with Core Obedience commands and Proper Handling Techniques while developing the skill and ability to modify any unwanted behaviour.
Topics Covered:
- Loose Leash Walking
- Basic Obedience: SIT, DOWN, HEEL (walking beside), RECALL (‘come’), PLACE (for 1 minute plus)
- Reliable Recall
- Ability to perform under distractions and/or outdoors